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Softech workshop,13-14 Feb, 2020

Maeda-lab participated in Soft-tech international workshop in Tokyo Institute of Technology on 13th-14th Feb, 2020. There was also a tour of a base-isolated building and of a retrofitted building in the campus. The workshop is part of large project called OPERA project to improve seismic resilience of urban areas specially in high-rise buildings.

〒980-8579 宮城県仙台市青葉区荒巻字青葉6-6-11総合研究棟

Miyagi, Sendai, Aoba Ku, Aramaki Aza Aoba 6-6-11, Engineering Laboratory Complex Building

1219号室 TEL:022-795-7872(教授室)(professor's ofiice) 

1220号室 TEL:022-795-7873(学生室)(students' room)


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