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Experimental preparation and training at HBRI, Bangladesh

Maeda lab members visited Housing and Building Research Institute of Bangladesh for the preparation of upcoming Masonry Infilled RC frame test under SATREPS project. They have conducted demonstration on the laboratory equipment. In the mean time, they have also visited BUET to observe the ongoing test on RC columns.

〒980-8579 宮城県仙台市青葉区荒巻字青葉6-6-11総合研究棟
            Miyagi, Sendai, Aoba Ku, Aramaki Aza Aoba
            6-6-11, Engineering Laboratory Complex Building.


           1219号室 TEL:022-795-7872(教授室)(professor's ofiice) 

      1220号室 TEL:022-795-7873(学生室)(students' room)


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